Thursday, December 15, 2022

Automatic Fast Buds seeds: Top 4 products to buy

Automatic feminized seeds are renowned for their strong and pungent aroma. They are easy to grow and suitable for indoor and outdoor cultivation. As a gardener, you have to carefully consider a number of crucial factors while selecting the automatic feminized seeds, including the quality, therapeutic usage, flowering time, THC & CBD content, etc. Depending on the availability and market demand, we have selected and described the top 4 cannabis automatic Fast Buds seeds and their major characteristics in brief. Check them out now.

1. Original Auto AK fem

Auto AK fem is a very reliable auto-flowering cannabis strain that can easily be grown in every environment. This is a perfect cross of a premium quality auto strain & AK47. The original automatic AK feminized seed is mold & insect-resistant and it smells like sour pine. This strain is good for beginners and very easy to grow. Medically, Auto AK fem is recommended for treating depression, anxiety, chronic pain, etc.


Brand: FastBuds

Genetics: AK47 and Ruderalis

THC Content: 21%

CBD Content: <1%

Yield: 400 to 500 gr/m2

Flowering time: 9 weeks

2. Blackberry Automatic fem

Blackberry auto fem is an excellent cross of Blackberry Kush and Ruderalis. It offers a very sweet and spicy aroma rounded off with pine & wild berries. This fem is easy to grow and very suitable for indoor & outdoor environments. Moreover, this is highly preferred by beginner growers because of its excellent flowering time. Medically, this fem is ideal for glaucoma, multiple sclerosis, nausea, epilepsy, back pain, etc.


  • Brand: FastBuds
  • Genetics: Blackberry Kush and Ruderalis
  • THC Content: >20%
  • CBD Content: 0.8%
  • Yield: 500-600 gr/m2 (indoors)
  • Flowering time: 8 weeks

3. C4-Matic auto fem


C4-Matic auto fem is a very popular automatic strain that is an excellent cross of 4 cannabis strains - Big Bud, Skunk, Whtie Widow, and Ruderalis. It’s a very strong feminized strain that comes with excellent production potential. A C4-Matic auto is an ideal option for commercial growers and it also has a good flowering time. Medically, this strain is highly recommended for treating migraines, headaches, stress, anxiety, muscle aches, etc.


  • Brand: FastBuds
  • Genetics: Big Bud, Skunk, Whtie Widow, and Ruderalis
  • THC Content: >20%
  • CBD Content: 1.1%
  • Yield: 450-650 g/m2 (indoors)
  • Flowering time: 8 weeks

4. California Snow Auto fem

Last but not the least, this is a very popular cross of Ruderalis and old school strain from California. It has a very sweet scent and is ideal for any gardener. This strain has low CBD and high THC content. Moreover, California Snow Auto is widely recommended to treat glaucoma, back pain, nausea, epilepsy, PMS, arthritis, herpes, rheumatism, stress, asthma, etc.


  • Brand: FastBuds
  • Genetics: Old School Hot California strain and Ruderalis
  • THC Content: 15 to 20%
  • CBD Content: 1%
  • Yield: 400 to 550g/m2 (Indoors) & 50 to 250 g/plant (Outdoors)
  • Flowering time: 8 weeks

Final words


The automatic feminized seeds mentioned above are in high market demand. Their strong smells and medical benefits are well recognized. Get in touch with Cannapot Hempshop today if you would like to purchase these automatic Fast Buds seeds online. Cannapot offers a vast range of cannabis seeds at a very affordable price.

With almost 19 years of industry experience, they have been devotedly servicing its potential clients. To deliver 100% genuine and premium top-notch products, their staff continually collaborates with top seed banks, breeders, and manufacturers. Explore the official website of Cannapot and order yours today.

Monday, November 21, 2022

The Undenied Relationship Between Cannabis and Artists

Cannabis and art have always been a spectacular duo that has always gone hand in hand with one another for centuries. Many artists around the world, from painters to musicians and  photographers, have all experienced the magic of marijuana while creating their art.

Why It Works

So how does smoking cannabis work for creative people? A recent study on cannabis by a team of scientists revealed that cannabis helps to stimulate the frontal lobe, an area of the brain that is very active in creative people. The report also revealed that marijuana is a stimulant and most stimulants, in the short term anyway, boost output of all kinds.” That said, it cannot be denied that cannabis affects everyone differently. People who want to boost their creativity by smoking cannabis, need to find the right dosage or sweet spot. Furthermore, knowing about the right cannabis strain can also help you in your creativity. Remember, usually, Indicas will keep you more calm and mellow, while Sativas will give you a boost of energy.

Tip: Cannapot is the best cannabis seed online shop that offers high-quality cannabis seeds at competitive prices!

Cannabis Artists

It still needs to be seen whether cannabis use is directly linked to creativity or not, but as mentioned above, many artists from different cultures and crafts have turned to weed while creating their art. Read on to find out the artists who have gotten inspiration from weed:

1. Bob Marley

This list of artists smoking cannabis can never be completed without Bob Marley, whose name is always associated with smoking weed. Like his name and music, his smoking weed was also famous worldwide. Bob Marley smoked marijuana because he practiced the Rastafarian religion and ganja in Rastafarianism is considered to be a holy sacrament.Marley didn’t smoke marijuana as a casual matter, instead, he viewed it as a holy rite, much as Catholics view Holy Communion or some Native Americans view the ceremonial usage of peyote. Marley viewed himself as a holy person (as do all Rastafarians) and strongly believed that marijuana opened up a spiritual door that allowed him to become the artist and poet he was.

2. Oscar Wilde

The writer of “The Picture of Dorian Gray,” the famed Oscar Wilde, is rumored to smoke marijuana and has had a positive experience with it. A letter sent by Wilde to Rober Ross in 1895 described, “Bosie and I have taken to hashish: it is quite exquisite: three puffs of smoke and then peace and love.”

3. Pablo Picasso

Pablo Picasso was the most dominant and influential artist of the 1st half of the 20th century, but it is most likely that most of his paintings were made under the influence of marijuana. Although the legendary painter famously avoided publicly admitting about his cannabis use, many theorize that the cubist style of his artwork was derived due to the influence of marijuana on his process as an artist.

Certainly, marijuana inspired Picasso’s paintings in one way or another and this was more evident in Patrick O’Brian’s biography Picasso (1976), in which he mentioned that the iconic artist had gotten himself into a bad trip and felt like he was “painting the same thing over and over again.” Picasso was a remarkably prolific painter and created hundreds of works. Even if he wasn’t high while drawing, a lot of the time, he still drew inspiration from marijuana – namely, in his 1966 piece titled Men Smoking Pot.

4. Charles Baudelaire

The French poet Charles Baudelaire was an influential figure of the 19th-century Symbolist movement and also a member of the infamous Club of the Hashish-Eaters. This literary group which consisted of members like Victor Hugo, Alexandre Dumas, Gérard de Nerval, Honoré de Balzac, Paul Verlaine, and Arthur Rimbaud, explored altered states of mind after using hashish. Baudelaire celebrated the drug in The Poem of  Hashish (1850), where he shared the experiences he had with this substance.

5. Oliver Stone.

The award-winning film director and screenwriter, Oliver Stone is an overall supporter ofmarijuana. From Vietnam and Thailand to Jamaica and South Sudan, the accomplished director has smoked marijuana all over the world. He even was involved in smuggling marijuana into the U.S. and narrowly escaped jail in life for doing the same.Stone, who has two Academy Awards as best director for 1989's "Born on the Fourth of  July" and 1986's "Platoon" has said about his experience with marijuana, “I’ve found it very enlightening. Some people don’t—they find paranoia and worry. I think if you can control your mind if you contain it, you can make marijuana be a friend, an ally.”

6. Louis Armstrong

Like many musicians of the time, Louis Armstrong started smoking marijuana in the 1920s and continued throughout his decades-long career, including before performances and recordings. Armstrong struggled his entire life with anxiety problems and he used weed to control his anxiety about performance and other complications in his life. Armstrong strongly claimed that “weed relaxes you, makes you forget all the bad things that happen to a Negro. It makes you feel wanted, and when you’re with another tea smoker, it makes you feel a special kinship.”

7. Snoop Dogg

Practically, the entire world knows that the West Coast legend, Snoop Dogg, is one of the biggest stoner rappers in the game. The hip-hop artist turned cannabis entrepreneur started his own brand of cannabis products, Leafs, in 2015 and publicly advocates for legalizing marijuana federally.

The 51-year-old star - who resides in California, where recreational marijuana use is legal, smokes as many as 150 marijuana joints a day. He was also asked once how long he’s gone without smoking and as shocking as it may sound, he said, “The longest I’ve ever been off is 164 days.” Unbelievable, right?

8. Lady Gaga

Pop legend Lady Gaga has admitted that she is addicted to marijuana. According to a report in People magazine, she said that she turned to marijuana to deal with the challenges in her music career and at one point, she was having a minimum of 15 to a maximum of 20 joints a day to help relieve the pain of a hip fracture.

The pop star even joked during her Amsterdam performance that she was going to talk to US President Barack Obama in a bid to make marijuana legal in America.

9. Brian Wilson

If you don’t know about this yet, then read this excellent fun fact. Marijuana was the force behind Pet Sounds by The Beach Boys, which is considered one of the greatest albums in the history of rock music. This album single-handedly jump-started a number of genres. Written by Brian Wilson under the influence of marijuana, he said, “Marijuana helped me write Pet Sounds.”

Interestingly, while writing “God Only Knows,” a track ranked by Pitchfork as the greatest song of the ’60s and by Rolling Stone as the 25th greatest song of all time, Wilson was stoned. In an interview with music site Reverb, Wilson addressed his support of weed legalization, something he talked about more and more as the years passed by.

10.William Shakespeare

Believe it or not, but according to a study published in July, there is evidence suggesting that perhaps Western literature's most renowned contributor, William Shakespeare might have relied on an occasional hit of cannabis to create his plays. Although there’s no proof that it was the playwright himself who used cannabis; in 2001, a team of scientists ran tests on four pipes at an excavation site in Shakespeare's back garden and found that they bore a chemical signature similar to that of cannabis. That’s interesting, right?

Final Note

As we can see, there’s so much to smoking marijuana. From artists smoking marijuana to feeling inspired and creative to publicly admitting about their addiction, cannabis has a mythic reputation in the creative community. With that being said, the cannabis culture is well alive among people worldwide.

If you are looking to order the best quality cannabis seed from a reliable cannabis seed online shop, look no further than Cannapot. In addition to fantastic customer service and a wide variety of seeds to choose from, they also provide discreet packaging that is optimally packed to ensure freshness upon arrival.

For more information, visit the official website of Cannapot now!

Thursday, September 1, 2022

Legales Marihuana bestellen: die besten legalen CBD Blüten am Markt

Ob zu Hause oder unterwegs, das Rauchen von Cannabis macht vielen Menschen zweifellos Spaß. Aber niemand kann die Tatsache leugnen, dass das Rauchen von Cannabis ein stinkendes Unterfangen ist. Das unverwechselbare Aroma dringt nicht nur in Ihre Kleidung, Haare und Haut ein, sondern wirkt sich auch sehr schädlich auf Deinem Atem aus. Unabhängig von der Quelle schätzt niemand schlechten Atem.

Was kannst Du also tun, um Mundgeruch durch das Gras zu verhindern? Mach dir keine Sorgen. In diesem Blog verraten wir Dir einige bewährte Methoden, um den Grasgeruch aus Deinem Atem zu entfernen:

Tip: Cannapot ermöglicht Dir legales Marihuana mit schnellem und diskretem Versand zu bestellen.

Top 6 bewährte Wege, um mit Weed Breath umzugehen

1.  Essen Sie Pfefferminzbonbons

Dieser ist vielleicht ein Kinderspiel. Pfefferminzbonbons sind eine einfache und schnelle Methode, um einige der unerwünschten Gerüche zu überdecken, die Gras hinterlässt, und sorgen dafür, dass dein Atem auch nach einer langen Rauchsession frisch riecht. Eine Minze aufzubewahren ist eine ausgezeichnete Idee für normale Raucher, da sie tragbar und einfach in der Tasche zu tragen sind. Das Lutschen an einer Minze stimuliert sofort die Speichelproduktion und fügt eine Geschmacksschicht hinzu, um alle Cannabisgerüche sofort zu überdecken.

 2.     Mundwasser

Einfach, schnell und effektiv, Mundwasser ist wohl eines der besten Dinge, die Cannabisraucher verwenden können, um Grasatem zu bekämpfen. Ein kurzer Schluck Mundwasser bekämpft den Marihuana-Gestank und trocknet Deinen Mund ziemlich schnell aus. Denken Sie daran, zu gurgeln, zu spülen und auszuspucken, nicht zu schlucken. Darüber hinaus ist Mundwasser hervorragend für die Zahnfleischgesundheit.

3.     Süßigkeiten lutschen

Das Lutschen von Bonbons mit Fruchtgeschmack kann sowohl eine leckere als auch eine effektive Möglichkeit sein, Sie in Ihrem Kampf gegen den Geruch von Weedgeruch zu retten. Sie sind nicht nur einfacher zu beschaffen, sondern helfen auch, die Speichelproduktion automatisch zu stimulieren, was dabei hilft, Gerüche von Cannabisrauch oder einem Esswaren mit vollem Spektrum zu neutralisieren.

 4.     Fruchten lutschen und kauen

Das Kauen auf einigen Früchten hilft, den Marihuana-Atem zu unterdrücken. Früchte wie Äpfel, die Polyphenole enthalten, oder Zitrusfrüchte wie Orangen, Mandarinen oder Beeren sind sehr effektiv beim Abbau von Verbindungen, die Mundgeruch oder Atemgeruch verursachen. Früchte helfen dabei, die Speichelproduktion anzukurbeln und verleihen Ihrem Mund auf schnellste Weise einen guten Geruch. Wenn Du Dein High verlängern willst, nimm einfach eine Mango!

 5.     Zähne putzen – ach wirklich?

Wenn Du zu Hause bist, ist eine der idealen Lösungen, um den Grasgeruch zu beseitigen, Deine Zähne mit Minzzahnpasta zu putzen. Auf dem Markt findest Du viele Arten von Zahnpasta, die speziell mit speziellen Inhaltsstoffen formuliert sind, die helfen können,

Deinem Atem nach dem Rauchen von Cannabis zu erfrischen. Wenn Du dich also jemandem näherst, nachdem Du Cannabis konsumiert hast, kann es niemand an Deinem Atem bemerken. Auf der positiven Seite hält das Zähneputzen sie gesund und weiß.

6.     Kaffe trinken – auch CBD Kaffee hilft

Obwohl Kaffeeatem von vielen Menschen nicht gemocht wird, ist es in den meisten Umgebungen besser, nach dunkel geröstetem gemahlenem Kaffee zu riechen, als nach Gras zu riechen. Im Vergleich zum Geruch von Cannabis ist dunkel gerösteter gemahlener Kaffee schmackhafter. Sogar eine normale Tasse Kaffee kann helfen, den stinkenden Atem von Gras zu beseitigen.


Jetzt, da du weißt, wie Du Grasatem effektiv bekämpfen kannst, ist Cannapot die richtige Wahl, wenn Du legales Marihuana bei einem vertrauenswürdigen Online-Verkäufer bestellen möchtest. Das Unternehmen bietet eine große Auswahl an verschiedenen CBD-Blüten zum besten Preis, die alle tausende positive Bewertungen hinsichtlich ihres CBD-Gehalts, Aromas, Herstellungsverfahrens und der Zusammensetzung anderer Pflanzenwirkstoffe wie Terpene erhalten haben. Um zu bestellen, besuche doch einfach die offizielle Website von Cannapot!

Monday, May 2, 2022

2022’s best cannabis seeds online shop- The ultimate guide to storing cannabis seeds

Nature has definitely designed cannabis seeds to hold up to a wide variety of conditions, but remember, they aren’t invincible. For instance, rapid changes in temperature and humidity can quickly ruin a batch of seeds. But storing cannabis seeds is possible, and if preserved correctly under the right conditions, there’s no reason why you can’t use the same seeds a decade down the road.

Protecting your seeds from various environmental hazards is crucial to ensuring the health and success of your next crop. However, in order to buy the perfect strain, you need to find a reliable cannabis seeds online shop such as Cannapot that offers thousands of top-quality cannabis strains at discounted prices produced by different seed companies from all over the world.

Luckily, caring for your cannabis seeds is simple. Keep reading this blog to find out how to store and preserve your cannabis seeds for a long time under ideal long-term conditions.

3 Things To Remember When Storing Cannabis Seeds

Although cannabis seeds can withstand a variety of diverse conditions, they are still vulnerable to certain factors that can ultimately ruin them. Many growers, eventually find themselves in states where according to the laws buying or selling cannabis is illegal. And even in states where it is legal, large-scale growers inevitably find themselves stockpiling seeds. However, for both short and long-term storage, specific precautions are taken. If you are a large-scale grower who wants to store cannabis seeds, always keep the following things in mind.


Usually, seeds need to be stored in a cool, dark, and dry location. This is the reason why we recommend keeping the seeds in their original packaging until they’re ready to be planted, as they are not designed to cope with intense light levels. When a seed is exposed to light or temperature changes, they begin using up stored nutrients. So when the time will come to plant them, they won’t have the nutrients to germinate. Therefore, your best bet is to store the cannabis seeds in a dark or opaque metal box (like many seed banks do) until you’re ready to use them. 


Humidity is a crucial factor when storing cannabis seeds. In fact, there are a few studies to prove this.

  When the humidity level reaches more than 80%, cannabis seeds tend to wither and die in approximately 12 hours. 

  Similarly, when the germination level remains between 40%-60%, the seeds start to germinate.

  Even when kept at low levels of humidity at 10%-20%, the seeds start sweating and develop fungi inside and out.

 The most ideal humidity level to store your cannabis seeds is 9% or less


Keep in mind that the best temperature to store cannabis seeds is between 4 to 8 ºC (39-46 ºF). Cannabis seeds are less likely to germinate unexpectedly; when kept cold in an airtight container. Experienced growers, therefore, have special refrigerators to store their seeds. It will even be better if you can store the cannabis seeds in the fruit and vegetable section.

Finding The Best Online Shop To Buy Cannabis Seeds

Now that you have a better idea of the ideal conditions for storing your seeds, you’re likely interested in knowing the best place from where you can buy quality cannabis seeds. Cannapot is the most popular cannabis seeds online shop that offers a wide variety of high-quality marijuana seeds at excellent prices to people all around the world. We take pride in selling the best quality cannabis seeds and want to ensure every grower only has the best genetics in their garden. Explore the one-stop online shop now!

Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Top benefits of buying quality seeds from reputable cannabis seeds online shop

The internet has revolutionized the way we shop because of the numerous advantages it gives to buyers, and buying cannabis seeds online is no exception. With more countries and states allowing for the use of medical marijuana, more people are looking to purchase their favorite cannabis seeds for home use. But it's not always possible to get your preferred seeds through physical stores and not every country or state has legalized the sale of cannabis seeds. Therefore, ensure to look for an online shop that can provide you with quality seeds at affordable prices.

Having over decades of experience in selling cannabis seeds from the best breeders, Cannapot is the best cannabis seeds online shop you can find on the internet today. In this blog, we will tell you the many benefits of buying cannabis seeds online from a genuine supplier. Read to know:

Save Money

Buying cannabis seeds online will cost you much lesser than buying them in any other way because products come to you directly from the manufacturer or seller without involving middlemen. On top of that, it's easier to compare the prices of different seeds and find the best one. If you purchase them from a reputable source such as Cannapot, you’re ensured that the seeds will germinate. Hence you will get your own marijuana plants by paying a lesser amount.

No Pressure Buying

Generally, in physical stores, the sales representatives try to influence the buyers to buy only those products, which are available to them. This can end up for you buying low-quality seeds at higher prices. Whereas you can save yourself all such hassle and don't have to let the store's inventory dictate what you buy when you choose to buy from an online shop. At Cannapot, you can get exactly what you want and need from the comfort of your own home.

Absolute Discreteness

Some things are better done in the privacy of your home, such as buying cannabis seeds. This is why online shop such as Cannapot is the best for discreet purchases. Their seeds are virtually undetectable when sent via mail, thereby saving you from any paranoia that people are watching or judging you.

Assured Delivery

Over time the method of sending the seeds has become increasingly more streamlined. With shops like Cannapot, online consumers get the assurance of tracking the order status and delivery status. The best thing is that instead of being limited to your own geography, you can shop from retailers in other parts of the state, country, or even the world and get assured delivery. Isn’t that amazing?

Get All Relevant Information

Many customers don’t know what to do with the seeds after buying them. In such situations, you can find all the relevant information on the seeds and how to grow them when you prefer to buy them online. At Cannapot, you will not only find seeds from all over the world, but you will also find the information about the purchased cannabis seeds that will help you to grow a marijuana plant in the best way possible.

Numerous Choices

When buying shoes or clothes through online mode, you know you are getting a far greater selection of colors and sizes than you can find locally at your disposal. The same thing applies when buying cannabis seeds online. Online shop such as Cannapot offers a wide variety of choices in cannabis seeds. This means you’ll always be able to find your favorite seed at your doorstep.

Bottom Line

As you can see, there are a lot of benefits when buying cannabis seeds online. Having over decades of experience in selling good quality cannabis seeds, Cannapot is a reputable and trustworthy cannabisseeds online shop that offers a diverse array of auto-flowering seeds to consumers around the world. Their selection of cannabis seeds from top-quality breeders is what makes them the best out of the competitors. To know more information, visit the website now!